It feels like we've had two weeks filled with nothing. It's been harder for me to focus on a new project these past two weeks so I thought it might be a fun time to share little bits and pieces of our days/evenings until inspiration strikes again. I will note that after pooling all these photos, we have in fact had two weeks that were very full, but with the gloomy weather, I have had a harder time feeling inspired myself, looks like I may be the only one.

Elise is coloring with crayon rocks that you can get
here. The lady who started Stubby Pencil Studio is just fantastic. I had a great phone conversation with Kate early in December and would highly recommend her art supplies to kids of all ages! I know we have really enjoyed them!!

During the past two weeks I finished up another pair of booties to be given to a friend who just had a baby girl. Everytime I make a pair of these, they are so well received. The moms just rave at how well these booties stay on their babies. I think they are so rightfully named - "Stay-On Booties."

Lena has had a fun time discovering some of my old books on record. She could sit and listen to these for hours, {and change the records for hours too!}

Another favorite area of the house these days is a music corner Daniel created for the kids soon after Christmas. The girls love singing and hearing their voices through the amp.

We've been wearing some of our new handmade dresses we received at Christmas, they have been so much fun!

Sunday afternoon we sat down and watched the movie "Miss Potter" - Lena has always loved her books. That night before bed she got out her Peter Rabbit collection book and spent some time retelling the stories. I always love to see her do this. She has quite an imagination and all who know her say she'll make a great writer.