Before the weather turns cold, I was reminded that it's time to get our bulbs in the ground. I always forget to plant bulbs this time of year, busy with school routines, extracurricular activities, and birthdays. With all that said, we decided to get our bulbs in the ground yesterday afternoon.
So I did the initial digging, and Elise did the planting. She caught on pretty quick which end to plant "down", she's our little gardener in this family, always has been.
So what did she plant? Tete a tete's and grape hyacinths. We decided to alternate everyone other hole, hopefully they'll come up the same time.
That's the beauty of this "children's garden" I've had in my head for so long. It will grow as the children grow, adding to it each year.
Some Spring day in the future, I envision the children playing outside and "color" will be spotted in this new garden we created. The beauty and awe of "their" garden will surprise them, reminding them of this spot that has been long forgotten during the late Fall and Winter seasons and lure them into the new season as it begins to awaken. See you in the Spring little garden!