Busy! that's what I've been. Busy feeding and feeding and feeding! Rosemary decided she wanted to start eating by mouth a little over two months ago and our whole life has changed.
Some days she eats 4 times a day by mouth, sometimes 2, depending on our schedule. We've been going to the Feeding Clinic weekly since she was nine months old. Sometime last year, we started going twice a week. If she ate 1/2 oz by mouth we were happy. About two months ago, her volumes increased to 1 oz, to 2 oz, and quickly jumped to 4oz and 6oz as they doubled each week. If you had told me two months ago that she would have been eating 4-6+ ounces of food by mouth by now, I would have laughed and called you crazy. She is eating smooth purees, so she can eat whatever we eat, it just needs to be blended down, so there is a little extra time taken in preparing her food. This afternoon, she ate a 1/2 sunflower and apple jelly sandwhich on wheat . . . pureed. She is still on the g-tube at night, but the volumes at night keep getting reduced as she eats more during the day by mouth.
With that said, there has been little time for other things, like sewing and knitting. I did manage to knit a little baby project recently which I'll share later. I'm officially 4 weeks away from my due date, I'm slowing down, trying to rest when I can and stay grateful for Rosemary's many milestones, she's also starting to walk a little - so cute! She's quite proud of herself for all her recent accomplishments, we never know from day to day what to expect from our little super-star!