Thursday, August 23, 2012

Game Night

Tonight - dinner is done, we've eaten and the kitchen has gone through the first stage of cleanup.  This is very typical for how our night runs.  For as long as I can remember, we have choosen to wait for everyone to arrive home from practices and eat our evening meal together, even if that means dinner is at 7:00, 7:30, or 8:00.  Last night after our evening meal, we decided to play Scrabble together.  We don't play games together as often as I would like.  With so many options in our media rich home environment, I was very pleased when everyone agreed it was time for a fun family board game.

game night

game night

game night

game night

game night

game night

game night

The game was fun, the time we shared together was even better.

It was more memories made.

Monday, August 20, 2012

:: tonight ::

Baby sleeping, dinner prepped . . . life is grand!

Friday, August 10, 2012

11 weeks and how I love instagram

11 weeks, originally uploaded by homebirthmama.
:: Here he's sleeping, a rare moment I get in the early part of the day. As I write this, he's next to me, kicking, shaking his rattle, cooing, and staring at me. He seems to be developing so fast.

:: I have fallen in love with instagram, an apple app that makes blogging seem like a begrudgingly long and tedious process. That may be why I haven't been here in awhile. Its so easy to snap a photo and send it right to my twitter and facebook sites and still feel like I'm keeping in touch with everyone.