I was running out of ideas for the week and up against a night of grocery shopping and a budget to stand by. I usually make a menu on the side of my grocery list with one large meal to eat for several nights scattered during the week (not consecutive), and then smaller meals in between. This afternoon, with a hungry tummy, my mind couldn’t think of what else to have except for the lentil chicken stew, and meatloaf italiano already on the weekly list. So I decided to consult "the list" which is a running list I made a while back of different recipes that our family likes. The list is categorized (somewhat) and was surprised to see (not really) that desserts had the most entries.
But I was happy to add one more to my repertoire of breakfast dishes, one that I made on Saturday for Lena’s birthday ~ homemade cinnamon rolls~ . They were delicious, but next time I will make it with a different icing, one with just powered sugar and milk instead of the cream cheese icing the recipe called for. They were still yummy and definately a keeper, especially with my husband's comment "how did you make these?" as we all sat down at the table. That made it worth the trouble of staying up til' 1:30am that morning waiting for the dough to rise for the rolls to be ready to be baked at 7:00am. Yes in-deedy!
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