It has been so refreshing to see how gentle all the children are with our garden, Elise especially. She has sweetest little garden hands and handles the growing vegetables and herbs so gently.
We love to go out daily and check on how everything is growing, sometimes it seems almost overnight that we have new beans or tomatoes. What a great venture this has been for our kids and recommendations seem to keep popping up from books we read (like possibly planting potatoes from reading Farmer Boy -- which will have to wait until early next Spring), or a leftover pit from their peach they ate at snack that day (or seeds from an apple), or discussions made around the garden that day.
To live in a world that inspires us to try new things is a world I enjoy seeing my children learning and growing in, especially when it's from good literature or maybe a more experienced gardener, or gathering ideas from their world as they see it.
Sounds like our morning. My 3 year old and I staked our tomato plants and picked 3 huge zukes and an eggplant. She pushed all the stakes in the ground and helped me tie the plants. She picked the zuke too. All the while, trying not to step on the plants in our tiny backyard plot.
We tried potato this year - we'll see. Farmer Boy was an interesting read. The chapter where the teacher bullwhips the bullies was a bit tough for us.
Anyway, Gardens rock!
it's my first year with a garden and I love the daily check, I'm getting my little niece into it too
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