Not every dress, shorts, pants come equipped with pockets, so when I saw this pocket pattern in Tasha Tudor’s craft book, I fell in love with it and immediately set out to get just the right calico fabric to make one for my girls.
I do love the modern contemporary sewing patterns and ‘look’ that are so popular now. But with reading so much on Tasha Tudor the past two weeks, I feel like I found a new part of myself. I really do like the old fashioned style equipped with calico fabrics and patterns that Tasha Tudor once used, it really suits my style. I would have never dreamed I would be searching out for calico, but it is so sweet and dear. I have fallen in love with something new.
{For anyone interested in learning more about Tasha Tudor, I would highly recommend reading Tasha Tudor’s Heirloom Crafts. I found this book even more informative than The Private World of Tasha Tudor. Also, this pocket can be found in Tasha Tudor’s Old Fashioned Gifts, which is a delight to read.}