Our newest baby girl was born on Labor Day evening at 9:15 pm at home in the water. It was a beautiful & spiritual labor and birth.
We realized when she was born, that she had some abnormalities in the shape of her head. We spent the next 5 days in the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit with a team of physicians and surgeons and came up with a plan to treat her immediate health concerns and her long term development. She has been diagnosed with Craniosynastosis with suspected Crouzon Syndrome.
We are heartbroken as you can imagine, but take each day one at a time. We love her so much and have seen many answered prayers and blessings during our first week journey with Rosemary. She is truly an angel.
We came home on Saturday and got settled back into our nest with the rest of our family. The other children adore her and we’re getting on a great routine. She nurses fabulously and is sleeping long stretches at night – what a dream baby! We know she will teach us so much, and we feel honored to be entrusted to raise such a special child.
Please keep us in your prayers – especially for the upcoming surgeries to go well and for her to be able to live a normal life.