We’ve been on quite a bit of a roller coaster ride with Rosemary, as it seems our travel/surgery plans are changing daily. Where we once thought we had a bit of time before her first surgery to do some traveling this week to get a second opinion, things have changed and now tomorrow she goes in for her first mid-vault decompression. This is a surgery they typically like to wait on, but her brain is under too much pressure and it must be done immediately.
If I can possibly get my hands on a laptop, I’ll be updating her recovery in this space. I know so many of you have been coming back frequently to check on her. You will never know how much I appreciate all of the comments you’ve written me, sending your thoughts and prayers. We really need every one of them. We’re trying to take this one day at a time, sometimes my minds skirts away – too far away – and I get anxious and I have to pull myself back into the present. Thank you again and again for all that you have done for our family and our sweet Rosemary. She is truly a light!!
Be back soon!!!