Today was finally the day that I picked up that heavy torn bed skirt off my bedroom floor that had been lying there for months looking at me every time I came into the room. It belongs on my oldest daughter's bed, and became torn after many climbs onto the bed by our sweet Rosemary who loves to play on her sister's bed. Mending is not my favorite way to spend my creative time. I'll put off sewing a button for months until I can't stand it anymore, or either I'm nagged to death about it - which is the more likely scenario. I wish I was better at the quick jobs and the long jobs as this one is turning out to be.
Mending doesn't give me as much satisfaction, but it's a functional job isn't it? So I spend this morning mending and appreciating my decision to get just one more lingering job done around the house today and knowing how much better I'll feel as Lena's bed looks more tidy and my room . . . has one less thing cluttering it up.
There are some jobs that require baby steps . . .