This sweater stayed on the needles far longer than I intended. It was a lovely pattern that I picked sometime earlier this year to knit in time for her 4th birthday as I have done in the years past. (here and here ) The pattern is Thumbelina, from the book More Knitting in the Sun by Kristi Porter. As it got closer to her birthday in early September, I realized that my goal was not obtainable. There was just not as much time as I've had in the past to devote to such projects, even when it was crunch time. I just accepted it and continued to work on it when I could.
When Thanksgiving was approaching I found a little more time and made a new goal to get it completed by then, and I did! It just wasn't the right weather for this sweater and again I held off giving it to her.
Turns out, today was the perfect day for Rosemary to wear her new sweater. Who knew that on St. Nicholas' Day, it would be a balmy 65 degrees? I was so happy to finally see it on her, I am very pleased with how it looks and I love the color of this yarn.
It feels so good to complete something, and to watch her wear and play in the sweater that mama made her. It was definitely worth the wait.