Tuesday, January 6, 2009

teaching gratitude ~

Over the course of several days, I have been working with my two oldest ones in some thank-you letter writing.

teaching gratitude

Back in the beginning of December, I had Jonmichael draw some art-work that I sat aside to make Thank-you notes from, simply enough, to use after the holidays were over.

I took his drawing, and shrunk it using a photo editing program to be made into a header at the top of a 8 ½ x 11 sheet of paper that also would easily be mailed in a regular sized business envelope.

teaching gratitude

teaching gratitude

Jonmichael and Lena both have been excited about writing these letters and showing their gratitude to friends and family who showed their love for all of us this Christmas season.


Beth said...

What a very cute idea! A great way to use their artwork also! I am hosting a childrens valentines swap if your interested :O)!

Anonymous said...

arodable! and what a beautiful gratitude wrap! It's on my list of gifts to make this year ... but i should start with making myself one :)

Maria Rose said...

A great idea. I love that you are teaching them creativity and gratitude.