Monday, July 6, 2009

our holiday weekend ~

We headed to the coast the middle of last week to celebrate the 4th. The morning we headed out for our 5 hour drive we had one child on an antibiotic and nebulizer, and albeit the time we arrived to our destination – 8 hours later - we had two on antibiotics with a trip to the doctor on the way.

american flag


With so much against us in the beginning , we managed in a great way!!! We started feeling better, little ones gained new courage in the water, they tried new rides and conquered new heights and speeds! . . .


gaining courage

lunch on beach

winding yarn for road trip home

. . . and I remembed just before packing to leave that I had a new skein of yarn I needed to wind for some knitting on the way home.

road knitting


kirschkernzeit said...

Cute the very last picture; great yarn for babysocks- and the cute little feet that will probably wear them right beside it, well hidden in your sweet belly (or do you say womb in english?)