Thursday, October 2, 2008


chop-chop-chippity-chop, originally uploaded by homebirthmama.

Lena learned this song when she was three::

chop off the bottom and chop off the top
what you have left you put in the pot

I always think of it when I start preparing dinner ~ which with the changes in the season turning quickly into autumn I have found myself making more comfort food. Last night's menu was baked whole chicken which was stuffed with garlic and onions. I added about a cup of chicken stock to the bottom of the roasting pan (without rack) and added Lena's chopped celery and some baby carrots. I also basted the bird with olive oil and rubbed on salt and pepper. It made the house smell heavenly and made our tummies rejoice!


Anonymous said...

Isn't it nice to turn the oven on again!

Soups, stews, baked things. Yum!