Saturday, December 27, 2008

our Christmas ~

Christmas morning was all we dreamed it would be ~ happy and grateful attitudes along with some stunning gifts from Santa . . .

stamped tags

looking at her name on tag

After two nights in a row of being up past 1:00am, I was grateful for it all to come together, for our special day together to have come at last~!

wool slippers

wool slippers

Satch & Sol wrapping

One of the first boxes opened was a combo gift from me to each of the kids. They were these fabulous wool slippers. I had to quickly acknowledge that I didn't make them when they started exclaiming "mommy knitted these!". These are from Satch & Sol and each child loved the exact pair they received, a small miracle!!

All my handmade gifts were acknowledged with love and excitment, which is an improvement from years past. I think everyone has realized my love for making things and have joined along with the excitement of receiving something handmade from mama.

opening presents

quilt from mama

There was lots of playtime after the presents were unwrapped. That to me is the best part, watching the children in action with their imaginations working in high gear. That is actually one of my favorite things I love about being a mom . . .

Picture 1173

her refridgerator

playing snow white

. . . and seeing something that I imagine come to life as well !!

blue-haired doll


Anonymous said...

My best Christmas memories are of the handmade gifts from my parents . . . the baby doll bunk beds to match the beds my sister and I had gotten that year, the wooden baby doll stroller, and the 3 story tall barbie house with skylights . . . I still have them all ready to pass on to Gabrielle in the coming years--you're right--these are truly the best gifts. This year my father made Micayla a beautiful wooden "hope chest" very similar to the one he made me on my 16th Christmas. It made for such a special day!

Kari said...

Your blue w.w. doll is fabulous!! I barely finished mine in time for Christmas! (I posted them to the flckr group)

Beth said...

Looks like she loved your little blue haired doll! Nice your kiddos are appreciating the handmade goods as well.